

This is a space dedicated to the exciting world of Data Science and Machine Learning. Here you will find super cool articles, reports, illustrations and tutorials to advance your career. Let's go!

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So what is data science?

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

You must have seen various different topics like Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing etc. etc.. Data Science might be called as an umbrella term for all these fields — all of them involve data which has to first undergo a data preprocessing pipeline.

The problem is first observed, and then appropriate hypothesis are developed which are experimented over and over again to improve the hypothesis and get better results.


I am sure you have been on Netflix, Facebook and YouTube. You see something you like, you interact with it – you like a post, a video, or maybe watch a movie or a TV show. One thing you might have noticed is that whatever you do, you will be recommended something similar – Have you ever wondered how they do that!?
I am pretty sure there is no one sitting behind the screen tracking what we are doing online and suggesting those things to us! (or is there?)

The aim of this portal is to take data science from a mysterious subject filled with boring jargon and make it into something exciting and cool which is understood by everyone. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are fields which have been considered as hot and up-and-coming since years now. So much so that people today debate about how and when the machines will turn on us and we will live a life like that of Sarah Connor from the Terminator series.

But are we really there yet?
Are we capable enough now to build such powerful machines which can become self aware?
Why is data science called the sexiest job of this century anyway?
Can we really predict what is going to happen in the future based on past events?

You will get to explore such things and get the answer to these burning questions here. As you go on, you will find detailed explanations of the buzzwords you hear people throw around – Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics or Natural Language Processing. This portal will help you understand all the hype around these topics along with many other cool things!

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About the author


The Data Science Portal has been created with the sole intention of giving back to the Data Science community whatever I have learnt in my own data science journey.
No matter whether you are just starting out as a beginner or you are an experienced professional, there is always something to learn - and I hope you find it here!

I work in the data science field and the inspiration behind most of the content you will see here is purely based on my own experience as a professional.

You can find me on LinkedIn here – Pranjal Pandey


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